Friday, August 8, 2008

Points for the 2nd and 3rd opinions

I ended up taking them to the urgent care center last night around 7:15 pm. I kind of just knew that if I didn't, I'd end up in the ER with at least one of them during the night. The doctor spent all of literally about 30 seconds listening to the lungs of the two of them, and quickly diagnosed them both with bronchitis. The nurse tossed us orders for Zithromax and Rondec (a cough medicine) for both the girls. I went straight to CVS to have them filled. While I was waiting, I couldn't help, but concentrate on the lack of faith I had in the doctor and his diagnosis. The girls were feeling yucky, but nothing too bad. Within the twenty minutes it took to get the meds and make it home, Anna had fallen asleep after complaining she was really cold. Well, I pull her out of the car and she's burning hot. I checked her temp when we got inside, and it had spiked up to 103. I got the rounds of meds and breathing treatments in them, and got them into bed, but that wasn't before Anna starting throwing up from the fever and coughing that just wouldn't let up for her. Eventually it did, and she fell asleep around 10:30 pm. I felt so awful for her. We all know how terrible we feel when we are sick, and then have a fever that high.

Ryan was at a class last night during all of this. He's taking a course for the next three and a half weeks that is helping to prepare him to pass his nursing licensing exam. Today he's off because he has to work Saturday.

So, I started this morning with a call to the girls' pulmonologist. She was at the hospital for today seeing patients, and wouldn't be able to see the kids, but the office staff promised to get the message to her. I then called their allergy/asthma doctor. She too was not in the office today. So, I finally called their pediatrician who also specializes in asthma to a degree. They of course go the girls in within an hour of calling. So, we rushed to get ready, and drove over to the pediatrician. He checked them both, and concluded that they do NOT have bronchitis, and did not need to be on the antibiotic (Zithromax). He advised us to continue with the asthma medications we're already doing. If they aren't getting better by Monday he wants to see them again to then possibly start them on Orapred (oral prednisone-a steroid). He felt that they just had a respiratory bug, and didn't need to be on the antibiotic. While there he had to remove a lot of wax from Mere's ears in order to check them for an infection. This proved to be quite traumatic for her, as it usually is, and she cried herself to sleep on the way home. Her ears actually bled a bit from it too which was a bit scary for us, but the doctor assurred us that this is common.

Just as we got home, their pulmonologist called me. Did I mention I LOVE this doctor! She's simply wonderful. So, she wanted to know what was going on with the girls. I proceeded to tell her everything. She gave me some info on using another asthma medication we have if it's absolulely necessary, and also told me to continue with the antibiotic. She felt that because Anna not only had the spike in fever last night but also a low grade fever for several days, she has an infection her body is fighting, and it would be best to keep her on the antibiotic to prevent her from possibly developing pneumonia. She also said that if the kids are not getting better by Monday, they will most likely need to start the Orapred.

So, we are home. The girls are resting, drinking fluids, and taking their big ole' bucket full of meds.

We'll update again on Monday probably.

Thank you for the prayers and kind works! They love you all!!!

Oh! And on a side note, Meredith no longer sleeps in a crib! Last night was her first night in a big girl bed, and she did wonderfully! She slept in it the entire night, never fell out, and didn't come out of her room until we went in to get her this morning. Such a big girl now!

1 comment:

Sunshine Mom said...

ugg... im soo sorry about hearing all of this!! my little bugs are sick:( hug and kiss them. but not for me as i too have the yucky respitory bug:( it started in the plane:( yuck!! hugs to all of you!!!!