Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New testing complete

Anna saw her pulmonologist last Wednesday. She said she believes that once her food allergies are under better control we will see an improvement in her asthma symptoms, possibly so much that she will be able to stop using the Flovent inhaler twice a day like she is now.

I did bring up with her that the pediatrician did not agree with her regarding Anna's low iron and the need for an iron supplement and that he had told us to stop giving Anna the supplement. She wants us to continue giving Anna the iron supplement, and she will recheck her iron in another 5 to 6 weeks. We see her again in June for a re-check and to go over the results of the iron test Anna will have a week before seeing the doctor.

Meredith saw her pediatrician last Monday for a well visit. Everything checked out fine with the exception of the nurse practitioner's concerns about Meredith's small size. She ranks in the 3rd percentile for weight and the 5th percentile for height. What can we say? She's tiny, but so are most of my family members. She advised us to add olive oil to everything she eats. We won't be doing that. No other doctor she sees is overly concerned about her size once considering her genetics.

She saw our allergist (same as Anna's) yesterday. Skin testing was done. She did not react to anything which was great. She does have exzema on her scalp and we were prescribed a steroidal oil to apply twice a day until it improves. Meredith had blood drawn today to do more allergy testing. She wasn't pleased, but was a trooper. They drew about 9 vials total and we should receive the results in about a week.

They told us while at the lab that Anna's results from last week are in but they are waiting on the pumpkin test result so we should have those completed tomorrow to post for everyone.

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