Friday, April 25, 2008

Great News!!!

We received the results from Anna's latest lab tests. She is not allergic to anything else we tested for.

Anna saw her gastroenterologist yesterday. They have a dietitian on staff so she saw her as well. The doctor reviewed all of Anna's past lab results and confidently told us that she is not allergic to everything the allergist said she is. He said that even people with no food allergies sometimes show up with a slight positive reaction because we all have antibodies to foods.

So, Anna's diet is no longer as limited as it was. The only things she can NOT have are (in order of severity): eggs, milk, beef and soy. Isn't that great?! We are thrilled!

He did ask us to watch her to see if she possibly has a wheat intolerance (not allergy). He said that a lot of times children have trouble with wheat intolerances. They can have a few crackers and such and not have a problem, but wheat in higher quantities makes them sick. She's not getting a lot of wheat right now so we'll keep an eye on that.

We did discuss the peanut/nut issue. He said that she barely reacted to the nuts and because she has eaten nuts and peanut butter almost every day for three years, it is highly unlikely she'll ever have a negative reaction. He said we can resume feeding her all nuts/nut products!!! She's very happy as she LOVES nuts! You should have seen her little face light up when she heard she can have some of her foods back.

The doctor put her on Prevacid to treat acid reflux. Our insurance does not cover it so the doctor is in the process of trying to get the insurance company to override that and cover it anyway. We should know something about that by next week.

If she is having acid reflux (he's not sure), then by the Prevacid calming that down, we would see a great improvement in her airway inflammation.

We return to see him in three months, end of July. If she has improved by that point, we will just continue with the Prevacid. If she has not improved enough, he will then decide what testing to do. There is some concern about lower GI issues because Anna's daddy has Crohn's Disease, but it wasn't a huge concern to the doctor yesterday.

I will update again next week after I've received Meredith's lab results.


Sunshine Mom said...

well thats great im so excited for you guys i know that was about to be a huge chunk of money to have to change her diet! yeayyy for anna!!!

Statton Family said...

Thanks! :) We still have to buy special items, but just not as many now. The pasta is the biggest pain because she only likes the taste of regular pasta, but pasta is made with eggs.